I beg your pardon. . . LOL. Certainly I'm not looking for him in that way, he's a 52 year old man for crying out loud. Even if I were gay, he'd be too old.
if anyone knows cortland johnson, i need to get in touch with him.
the last i knew he was living in las vegas.
he and i grew up as jw's together in kansas and were at bethel together.
I beg your pardon. . . LOL. Certainly I'm not looking for him in that way, he's a 52 year old man for crying out loud. Even if I were gay, he'd be too old.
something on the song thread that i posted, song by tu pac, got me to thinking about racisim.
why do people discriminate against people that have different color skin?
i understand it is a learned response, but my "elder" father is very racist... and this is how i was raised.. i don't get it.
Are you referring to the book, The Bell Curve? Both of the authors were from Harvard and at least one of them was a professor there. The book wasn't the least bit racist. It was a statistical look at where the races were at that point in time in our society relative to each other in educational testing, income and other societal areas. The unfortunate thing about the book is that some liberal readers did not want to see any differences between blacks and whites on various achievement scales. The authors didn't draw any conclusions from the data that weren't indicated by the data. So unless you wanted to claim that their statistics were flawed, you can't make an argument that it was racist. They also made statistical analysis regarding Asians and how they score significantly higher in the sciences and math than whites do. Was that also racist? I think the most troubling thing for me was that the numbers of truely bright people in our society are diminishing, whether white, black or Asian. Since the intellectually superior tend to end up with power over those not as bright, we are at risk of losing our self determination if the trends continue.
The authors were unfairly pilloried by the liberal media and liberal acamadicians.
if anyone knows cortland johnson, i need to get in touch with him.
the last i knew he was living in las vegas.
he and i grew up as jw's together in kansas and were at bethel together.
If anyone knows Cortland Johnson, I need to get in touch with him. The last I knew he was living in Las Vegas. He and I grew up as JW's together in Kansas and were at Bethel together. If anyone knows how I can get in touch with him you can email me at [email protected].
I know this is an unusual request, but the last time I tried to get in touch with him a few years ago, his mom wouldn't tell me where he was because I was "inactive". I knew her my whole life growing up and she was just downright rude.
lately, i notice quite a few comments of disillusionment.
some say they are no longer religious.
others say they are not sure if god really exists.others are trying to come to terms with life outside of the watchtower.
With all due respect:
First of all, YHWH vs. JEHOVAH, or some other tetragrammical nonsense doesn't matter to me. I'm not impressed with the notion of fathers killing their children.
Second, it's all mystical, symbolic bullshite to me.
Edited by - drahcir yarrum on 4 August 2002 11:57:5
lately, i notice quite a few comments of disillusionment.
some say they are no longer religious.
others say they are not sure if god really exists.others are trying to come to terms with life outside of the watchtower.
Do I still love Jehovah?
The Jehovah who let Abraham come within a gnats ass of killing his own son, because he wanted to be sure that Abraham would obey him?
The Jehovah who turned Lot's wife into rock salt simply because she glanced back at a city being destroyed?
The Jehovah who let Job lose his family, possessions, friends and health simply so he could win a bet with Satan?
The Jehovah who will only communicate with people for the past one hundred plus years through an incorporated book publishing company who's leaders make backroom deals with the United Nations while telling their followers that the UN is the essence of evil and God's enemy?
The Jehovah who allows his incorporated representative and it's leaders craft a policy of silence when it comes to pedophiles and child abusers, simply to protect the reputation of the corporation?
The Jehovah who puts parents in a position of having to choose between saving their children's lives by permitting a blood transfusion or running the risk of displeasing him?
Are you joking? No, I wouldn't love anyone or anything who represents that much badness.
since you have been made aware of all the wrongness of watchtower, do you feel happier,more bitter or more apathetic?
Happy that I don't have to feel guilty about my actions or non-actions in a spiritual sense.
Happy that my wife and three children have NEVER been JW's and had their lives screwed over.
Happy that I don't attend five boring meetings per week and several boring conventions a year. And I don't have to go to strangers doors selling books and magazines.
Unhappy that my sister and her husband, who live near my JW mother can't let anyone know that they are no longer believers too, and must put up a pretense of still being JW's.
Happy that I have real friends who don't judge me about the most trivial of issues.
As they say, "four out of five aint bad!"
i swallowed and believed such much shit when i was a jw that i have a few more questions to ask anyone who has the answers.
the 144,000 is a big gripe of mine........ right, i was told that the 144,000 found out they were one of the anointed when they had a flash of "revelation" at some point and truly believed it or they had known since they were a child.
what a load of shit!
I wouldn't get too worked up about any numbers mentioned in the book of Revelation. Years ago after I left the JW's I started reading stacks of books on the Bible and religions in general. I guess I was searching for a replacement religion at that time. Anyway I remember reading a theological work that furnished a good deal of evidence that Revelation should not be considered a part of the Bible canon. Perhaps one of our serious researchers could provide some insight on this belief. I think part of the evidence was disimilarities in the writing styles of John in his other works and the style of Revelation. There were other issues as well, but it has been a number of years since I read about it.
i have a question: as you all know jehovah's witnesses view crystal ball, physics, as demonized or anything that is not suppose to be in the house like tarot cards.
and jehovah's witness believe that the demons would bother them if they do these activities or have them in the house.
do you still believe that or do you think it is the society's way of mind control over their members?
I've been thinking about using a ouija board to help me with my investments from now on. It couldn't freaking hurt!
I'm sensing an apostate attitude by many towards this forum. "Fluff" "No Fluff" buttons? What next, forum judicial committees? Net elders? Door to door apostate work? STOP THIS MADNESS!!!!!
i know that this topic has been discussed at great length many times before but i would like to share with you my experiences with jws that knock on my door when i have presented them with this hypothetical situation.. "just suppose that you have two children, one has haemophilia and is being treated with factor v111 which is derived from blood and permissable according to the wtbts as an act of conscience, taken and stored from a worldly person possibly even an apostate, permissable because it is a small fraction even though it takes litres of blood to extract this factor v111.
you also have another child that because of an accident is in danger of bleeding to death and needs oxygen carrying red blood cells to buy this child time until the bleeding has been brought under control the blood comes from the same source and also stored, but is not permissable by the wtbts would your conscience tell you to let this second child die".
# 1 jw frantically starts seaching through their little black bag "oh i am sure i have an answer to this in here, oh well, maybe i came without it" says to # 2 jw "do you have it by any chance" .
"There is good science going into this area now - there have been warnings put out in the UK about the poor state of the medical blood supply and this will no doubt firm the WTS argument. Non-blood alternatives become more desirable (although can prove expensive I believe)."
I often sense that even with ex-JW's there is still a little doubt about whether one should or shouldn't provide a blood transfusion for a child or relative who needs one. With regard to the relative danger or safety of blood transfusions, there is a risk factor involved in everything in medicine. Hospital borne diseases are the biggest cause of post hospital stay death and illness in the United States. Most people aren't aware of just how dangerous a simple hospital stay can be. But if your doctor told you you needed to be there, I doubt you'd ask many questions.
If a doctor tells me my child needs a blood transfusion or will die, I'm going to set aside the possible risks of blood transfusion to deal with the real risk that my child will die if I don't follow my doctors directions.
The position that the WTS has taken on blood transfusions is based on IGNORANCE and their need to control and test the allegience of their followers. It is the single clearest issue that should tell a non-JW that Witnesses are kooks and their leaders are irresponsible at best and accessories to man-slaughter at worst. May they rot in a massive shit pit for eternity, the lying bastards.
The Biblical argument against blood transfusions is so weak as to be laughable.
Edited by - drahcir yarrum on 3 August 2002 17:13:1